You are not alone
Parents and caregivers of multiples face some unique challenges, but there's no need to go it alone. The best advice you will ever receive is to connect with other parents of multiples - they know what it is like and have many tips, shortcuts and ideas to share.
Here’s how to get connected and get the support and information you need:
Connect with a local MBC chapter

These are groups of parents who get together in person in a local area. They organize play groups, parent only nights out, information sessions, and consignment sales.
Click here for a list of local chapters.
Join an Peer Support Network

MBC members get access to a members only Facebook group which you can request access to once you’ve joined either through a local chapter or as a direct MBC member
However, we also have a number of closed Facebook groups that are available for both members and non-members to join and seek community and information. Click on the circles below for access:
Access resources put together by subject matter experts

We’ve also got a number of information sheets and resources written by multiple birth experts which you can read online or download for free.
Click here for a list of information sheets and resources.
Share Your Birth Story

Did you have multiples? We want to hear from YOU and YOUR PARTNER about your Multiple birth experience. We want to feature real life stories from real life multiple birth parents on our Blog.
Click here to Share Your Story