2023 Shining Star
Rebecca Ashworth

The Shining Star MADA is awarded to an individual who has displayed outstanding dedication or has been responsible for outstanding accomplishments of local significance in the field of multiple births in a local community in Canada. One Shining Star award will be given out to each MBC Chapter annually.
The winner of the 2023 Shining Star award for the London Chapter - London Multiple Births Association - LMBA is Rebecca Ashworth.
Rebecca, also known as 'Bexy' has been a dedicated wealth of knowledge over the last two years.
There has been struggles with reviving the London Chapter - LMBA.
She has been a dedicated volunteer, keeping everyone organized as part of the Chapter board.
She is very resourceful and quick to help find solutions to many problems.
She is also responsible for creating the new website for her Chapter.
She set things up for her Chapter being onboarded, set up and connected with wild apricot. Technology wiz and savviness.
She is always ready to create a flyer or add for anything to any initiative for the supporting her Chapter!
We are happy to award Rebecca Ashworth for the Shining Star Award! Congratulations Rebecca.
Her dedication is admirable and everyone in her Chapter appreciates her hard work.