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Do you know of someone making a difference in the multiple births community?


Maybe it's someone in your local chapter that's really having an impact on area families. Or perhaps you read an article about someone doing amazing work to bring awareness to an issue that affects the multiple births community at an international level. It could be a media outlet that's really supporting your chapter's efforts, or adult multiple birth individuals or individual who is having an impact that should be acknowledged.


Nominations can be made any time. Simply read through the criteria below to see where your nomination fits best and fill in the form, including a photo of the nominee or logo if it's a corporate nominee. It's that easy!


Already know which award you want to make a nomination for? Use the button below to skip right to the submission form.

How are the recipients of the awards chosen?
The MBC Board of Directors carefully review all nominations, verifying the nature and quality of the nominee's contribution. We vote on submissions, eliminating the possibility for bias. Where possible, MADA recipients receive their awards at an awards ceremony at the Annual General Meeting and Conference. 

Nomination Criteria
Nomination Criteria

​Things to note:

  • Nominees may be an individual, group of individuals or a company who has provided extraordinary service or made a significant impact within the multiple births community in Canada.

  • Nominees do not need to be members of MBC or an Affiliate Chapter. 

  • A clear statement of the reasons for the recognition should accompany nominations, including a summary of the nominee’s record of service and a list of dependable references.


There are four (4) awards for consideration:



Awarded to an individual who has displayed outstanding dedication or has been responsible for outstanding accomplishments of local significance in the field of multiple births in a local community in Canada.

One local award will be awarded to each MBC Chapter annually as submitted by the Chapter. In the case that multiple nominations are made by a chapter, MBC will review the submissions and select the winner



Awarded to a MBC volunteer who has displayed outstanding dedication, contributing to promoting the MBC annual theme or has been responsible for outstanding accomplishments of national significance in the field of multiple births in Canada.



Awarded to members of the community that support local chapters or MBC in achieving their vision, mission, or annual theme. 



Awarded to a person, organization, or group that helped to create a deeper awareness of the challenges faced by Canada’s multiple-birth children and their families and/or has made a significant impact on the multiple-birth community through their own personal efforts.

Nomination Form
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